Branch 8

Make Friends for Life

SIR Branch 8 Activity Announcements: October 8 2018

Welcoming Guests to Our Activities:
In 2018, we are making a concerted effort to attract guests to Branch 8 activities. I’m asking each of you to identify and invite guests to our activities. Please work with your Activity Chairmen to provide guests with a great Branch 8 experience.

Car Enthusiasts: Chick Lowry, Chairman
Due to scheduling problems, the Car Enthusiasts have cancelled our October 21st “All British” Car Show at the Blackhawk Auto Museum. The cancelled event was noted in the October Hotline. Sirs who had planned to attend, but had not notified us need to know about the cancellation.

SUMS in Retirement: Dave Sutton, Chairman
$UMS in Retirement meets again on Wednesday, October 17 at 8 AM (3rd Wednesday this time) at the Legends Restaurant at Diablo Creek Golf Course on Port Chicago Highway, Concord, just north of Hwy 4.
Our speaker will be Dr. Elizabeth Laderman, Senior Outreach Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. She will speak about current economic conditions, the economic outlook, and monetary policy.
The Legends opens at 7 AM. Come early and have a leisurely breakfast with your colleagues prior to the meeting.

Book Exchange: Tom Kerns, Chairman
We all love the Book Exchange, and many of us take advantage of the book selection every month before the luncheon. This activity is looking for a new Assistant Activity Chairman. Please contact Tom Kerns if you are interested,

Sirs at the Games: Steve Schramm, Chairman
California Golden Bears Football – We have purchased tickets to the game against the Washington Huskies on Saturday, October 27. Washington is picked to win the conference, and will be one of the top teams in the nation.
Our group tickets will be in Level C, Section WW, Rows 21-23. We have a block of our 20 tickets at a discounted cost of $35 per ticket.
Contact Dennis Reschke for ticket information.

Ladies Day Luncheon: Nat Bitton, Chairman
Our next Ladies Day Luncheon will be held on December 10th at Boundary Oak Golf Course where we had a most enjoyable time this Summer. We are obliged to change our winter venue because Round Hill Country Club is no longer within our budget.
Reservation forms are included at the end of these Activity Announcements. We will also have an information and reservation table in the Hilton Hotel at our next lunch meeting. The ticket price of $45 includes a no host bar, a three course meal, entertainment and door prizes, plus so much good company.
One important point, The Boundary Oak ballroom can only hold 210 people so it will be very important to get your reservations in early. We are looking forward to another special luncheon and get together.
NOTE: The Ladies Day Luncheon committee is also looking for volunteers to help with the preparation. Please contact Nat Bitton at 925-951-7622.

This morning we had a special display of wood carving by Dick Grube. This guy is really talented, and I hope many of you were able to stop by the table and say hi and see his work.
Thanks to Dick for taking the time to share some of your special pieces with all of us. I know you are out there, so please stand and take a bow.

Traveling Sirs: Larry Yarberry, Chairman
We will have a travel meeting on November 2 at Denny’s Restaurant on Willow Pass Road. The meeting begins at 10:15 am. We will have a travel agent to discuss two trips. 1) An Alaskan Adventure Cruise
September 3 – 10, 2019 and 2) A Music City Tour with 3 nights in Nashville and 3 nights in Memphis, May 10 – 16, 2019. Discounts available to attendees of the meeting on November 2.

Writing Your Life Story: Dick Brewer, Chairman
Writing Your Life Story will meet on October 30, 10 AM, at the Round Table Pizza in Pleasant Hill. This is an exceptional date. The group usually meets the week before. New writers are always welcomed.

New Activities
The Woodshop and the Doctor’s Office have been approved by the BEC as new branch activities. Thom Watkins will describe The Woodshop (renamed ‘Woodpeckers‘) for us at the November luncheon.
The Doctor’s Office will have space in the lobby prior to the November luncheon. Thank you to Bill Adler and Bob Stein for creating this activity. Please stop by on November 12, say hello, and ask your health questions.

The 2018 Activity Chairmen’s Breakfast Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2018, at Boundary Oak Golf Course. The meeting will begin at 8:30 am, and continue until noon. Activity Chairmen, please add this meeting to your calendar. A full agenda and additional information will be coming in October.

Activity Chairmen
Please remember to complete the Activity Health Self-Assessment for each of your activities by Wednesday, October 10. Thank You!

Lost and Found
Someone left a book in the luncheon room on October 8. The title is “Arlott, Swanton, and the Soul of English Cricket” by Stephen Fay and David Kynaston. Please contact Steve Schramm if this is your book,