Dine Out Single Sirs


Glenn Gilman, Chairman 
 798-5155  glenngfam@sbcglobal.net   

Tuesday, May 7th 
at Lazy Dog Restaurant 
In Willows Shopping Center at 1961 Diamond Blvd 
Social time 5:00 p.m., Dinner 5:30 p.m.
Host –Bob Bailey 686-5651  rkbob@wavecable.com

If you are single or just single at dinner time and wish to join the guys for dinner on the first Tuesday of the month, let Chairman Glenn or the host of the month know and a seat will be saved for you.  Separate checks ensure each pay for his own meal. 

Last month nine of us dined at Peony Gardens where friendly conversation covered current events and some personal experiences.    Chinese cuisine was ample and tasty with many take out bags visible by those of us that wanted a second meal.  Our thanks to Frank Kilarr who hosted the event.   

Glenn Gilman Chairman 798-5155  glenngfam@sbcglobal.net 
Don Atwater, Asst. Chairman 673-1669  datwater@pacbell.

Bob Bailey, Host 686-5651  rkbob@wavecable.com

Dinner at La Tapatia March 2019
L/R Ron Cassano, Frank Kilarr, Marv Kreitz, Stan Hennessey, Phil Philpot, Glenn Gilman, Don Atwater, Bob Bailey, Ray Nummi


Dinner at Mr Lucky’s February 2019
L/R  Don Atwater, Bob Bailey,  “3 no name heads”, Glenn Gilman,
Frank Kilarr, Ray Nummi, Clark Morehouse, Ray deWit

Dinner at Mr Lucky’s February 2019
L/R Glen Gilman, Frank Kilaar, Ray Nummi,, Clark Morehouse, Stan Hennessey, Ray deWit, Don Atwater, Bob Bailey, Ron Cassano, Marv Kreitz


Dinner at DJ Bistro, January 2019
L/r Marv Kreitz, Don Atwater, Phil Philpot, Frank Kilarr, Stan Hennessey, Ray Nummi, Glen Gilman, Ron Cassano

Dinner at Back Forty Texas November 2018
Ron Cassano, Glenn Gilman, Phil Philpot, Ray de Wit, Don Atwater,
Marv Kreitz, Ray Nummi, Stan Hennessey

Dinner at Peony Gardens, April 2018
Bob Baily (back to camera), then L-R  Don Atwater, Glen Gilman, Ray Nummi, Stan Hennessey, Jery White,Frank Kilarr, Marv Kreitz and Don Marchman

Dinner at the Lazy Dog Restaurant, February 6, 2018

Left to right: Bob Bailey, Marv Kreitz, Jerry White, Bill Barber, Clark Morehouse, Norman Cox, Stan Hennessy, Glen Gilman, Don Atwater
  @ La Tapatia  December 2017

Left to Right  Clark Morehouse, Ray Nummi, Stan Hennessey, Glenn Gilman, Bob Bailey, Marv Kreitz, Frank Kilarr,Don Marchman, Don Atwater and host Norman Cox. August 2, 2017 @ Claim Jumper Restaurant

L/R Don Marchman, Ray Nummi, Glen Gilman, Frank Kilarr @ Mr. Lucky’s March 2017


BJ Bistro Restaurant December 2016
L-R  Don Marchman, Glenn Gilman, Stan Hennessey, Marv Kreitz, Bob Bailey, Jack Stack, Zip Zaro, Don Atwater, Ray Nummi, Clark Morehouse


Lazy Dog Restaurant 2016
R/L – Patrick Alexander, Jerry White, Stan Hennessy, Jack Stack, Zip Zaro, Bob Bailey

Lazy Dog Restaurant 2016
L/R – Norman Cox, Clark Morehouse, Ray Nummi, Murray Shelton

Around the table from bottom left is Clark Morehouse, Bob Bailey, Don Atwater, Gene McManus, Zip Zaro (hidden), Herb Hellsten, Marv Kreitz. Norman Cox, Jack Stack, Bon Wadors and Ray Nummi


Marv Kreitz, Jack Stack, Clint Rudd, Zip Zar at Lazy Dog Restaurant October 2015

L-R Herb Hellsten, Jerry White, Ray Nummi, Clark Morehouse, Bon Wadors
at Lazy Dog Restaurant, October 2015

Creek Restaurant in Rossmore  January 2016
L-R around the table
Marv Kreitz. Jerry White. Jack Stack, Bon Wadors, Patrick Alexander, Bob Bailey,
Stan Hennessy, Clark Morehouse, Ray Nummi, Don Atwater, Dan Franklin, Bob Cramer


updated 04/15/2019 dda