Branch 8

Make Friends for Life


List of plugins.xlsx

Plugin NameDescriptionUsed ByLink
Custom 404 error pageKen Walling, Alan Baker
All-in-One WP MigrationClone a whole websiteAlan Baker, Ken Walling
All-in-One WP Migration ExtensionClone a whole website of a larger size (not free)Alan Baker, Ken Walling
Classic EditorAlternative to Block EditorAlan Baker
Classic WidgetsOld-school editor for widgetsAlan Baker
Core RollbackRevert to an earlier version of WordPressAlan Baker
CP Referrer and Conversion TrackingWhat websites send traffic to usAlan Baker
Easy Updates ManagerAutomated updaing of plugins, themes, coreKen Walling, Alan Baker
Enable Media ReplaceReplace items in WP's media libraryAlan Baker
Event TicketsPublish a calendar & Get RSVPs to scheduled eventsPete Morelli
Event Tickets Plus"Sell" TicketsPete Morelli
Gallery Custom LinksLinks images to specified URLKen Walling
Google AnalyticsSee how visitors find and use your websiteKen Walling
MOJO MarketplaceAdds shortcode, widgets, and themesKen Walling
Password Protect Wordpress LitePassword protect entire site or pagesKen Walling
Simple File List ProBasic File List ManagerKen Walling, Alan Baker
SmushOptimize & compress imagesKen Walling
Ultimate BlocksAdd'l Gutenberg blocks for expanding & collapsing text blocks or listsKevin King
Updraft Plus Backup/RestoreAutomated backupKen Walling, Alan Baker
Veronalabs WP Statisticsusage statistics, self contained. (Not Google 🙂Dwight Hill
W3 Total CacheSite Performance ImprovementKen Walling
Weaver Xtreme Theme SupportA package of Shortcodes and WidgetsKen Walling
Woo CommerceProvide an online storePete Morelli
WP RollbackRevert to an earlier version of a pluginAlan Baker, Ken Walling
WP StatisticsPopular pages, hits, referers, browsers, OSAlan Baker
WP Visual SitemapOnline sitemapAlan Baker
WPForms LiteForms, e.g. contact formKen Walling, Alan Baker