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S I R    B R A N C H     8     S I R t i r e     M i n i    S i t e
Welcome!                  Let’s Capture the Humor of SIR Branch 8!          

Why SIRtire? The word SIRtire is derived from the word satire. The difference: SIRtire conveys only a positive, uniquely jocular, situation; satire has no such restriction.


  • An image of an ordinary event that is altered to seem important.
  • Images showing everyday activity in which human folly and silliness are paramount.
  • A masterful conception* comprising such occurrences so as to bring its attention to the discerning SIR.
  • *Often employing SIRcasm.

Current Quip Questions Observations
Bargain Bites Welcome to Branch “8” Luncheon Follow the Money Ladies Day Luncheon Acknowledgements

SIR has a long and distinguished history. But for me, SIR history started when I joined Branch 8.
And I am determined to discover what makes Branch 8 the shining example that is! In short, I am determined to answer:

The Question:

Why is Branch 8 the best SIR branch?

“So join me in my journey through Branch 8 to discover its bestness.”


The Current Quip

I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.





I uncovered a whole set of restrictions

The group is non-profit. They don’t raise money, they don’t have a political agenda, they don’t have a religious orientation, and they don’t sell light bulbs or anything else.

Now that I think about it, this is good!

So what happens if I join Branch 8?
What is there to do?

As it turns out, anything I want.

As was described to me at induction, when you join SIR Branch 8, you join a level playing field. If you don’t see what you want, you can do something about it!

There are important questions I found myself pondering before becoming a SIR:

  • Where did the bird come from? I mean, who uses a Rooster as a mascot? Where do they meet, in a barnyard?
  • There are monthly luncheons for all the members. 359 members – who can eat lunch in a stadium?
  • There are speakers at these luncheons. Right, booooring!
  • And what do members do with themselves when they’re not eating lunch?
  • They also maintain a Rogues Gallery which they say is composed of members. Right, then why does everyone have a number under his head? And what does “MD” stand for anyway?


Resolving Questions/Making Observations:

So my question is:

Why the Rooster?

And my answer is: “Because they are tasty!”

A Bargain Bites Dinner

Dedicated members search the local restaurants and provide an opportunity to have a meal at bargain price.



I won’t say there were trepidations at my first luncheon because I don’t know what trepidation means. First thing that happens; you are welcomed by the “Greeters of the Month.”
A minor but effective way to say hello to many members. I was concerned about meeting 329 people at my first luncheon; that’s big pressure unless you’re real good with names. I mean my sister, what’s her name, has always encouraged me to learn names.

Click for a better image view.

I got to the “welcome” area just outside the luncheon location, and I realized I needn’t have worried. SIR Branch 8 seems to have everything thought out.
A bit dramatic, maybe, but well thought out. At this point they give you your nametag, you know like in grade school, so after a quick look at a lapel or shirt pocket, you know with whom you are speaking. And no regimentation; first come first seated is the way it works.
So, I get to meet different people at each luncheon and can take my time learning their names. A small id card reserves my place while I explore the current month’s activities or hobbies in the lobby.


Elegant Eating

I decided to arrive early for my first luncheon so I could see how things really progressed. Would they be able handle the enormous influx of SIRs? Okay, it’s a huge luncheon room but you can get lost in a big arena. I wondered how are you going to hear or see presentations? I got there just as they were setting up and testing a projector to support the visuals by members and guest speakers. Then I heard a microphone and speaker system being tested.

The image they were displaying on the screen looked very familiar. In fact it appeared to be the very image at which I was looking. To verify this, I walked closer to the image on the screen which you can do by clicking the image on the screen.

Wow! I was right! The image I was looking at was the very same image at which I was looking…(Huh?)



SIR Branch 8 appears to be well organized, efficient and incredibly diverse. But, in order to run an organization this effectively without sales or promotions, you need money, right? So I began searching to find out how the branch is funded.

I was told money is raised mostly from modest member dues and monthly luncheons. I found this difficult to believe until I located the cash round-up that occurs prior to each luncheon:


A Ladies Day Luncheon

A semi-annual luncheon? Sounds reasonable. But what’s the big deal?

Well as it turns out, members very much enjoy sharing their partners at this wonderful twice-a-year dining experience with all of SIR — like the cool dude in the center of this photo.

ALERT!. Waldo is in this image.
If you don’t see him, move the cursor over the image to Find Waldo



These Web pages would not have been possible without:

  • The Superior Sponsorship of Stan Johnson
  • The “Bob Barnes Buoyant Bocce Bowlers”
  • Support and encouragement from Ron Smith, Richard Bal as well as Don Atwater, Rod and Mary Ann Spicer, and David Bushnel
  • Pre Review by Michael Long
  • Hotline Support of Dan Weller
  • Humor and Photogenic qualities exhibited by Erland Persson, and
  • Thoughtful help and expertise of Derek Southern.



NOTE: I have looked at these pages using various Web browsers. For the most part they look as I intended. However, not all browsers are alike, so if the pages do not look as you would expect, ignore it or try a different browser.
I conduct most of my Internet activity using Firefox. Following is a comparison of browsers displaying this home page:
However, there are some blank vertical spaces I don’t intend, but I will keep researching it until I get rid of them.
