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Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Concord Hilton Hotel where we enjoy lunch with a guest speaker and meet our Friends.
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Call us at 415-606-5556 and a friendly member will answer all your questions
Our Branch is run by our members for our members. We need volunteers to fill vacancies to keep the branch running smoothly. We post vacancies here, just click a link to see more information. Please consider the following opportunities. Training is provided.
Badge Assistant
Assist the Attendance Secretary by bringing and setting up the badge trays as part of our lunch-time logistics. Create, repair, and retire badges as needed. Reconcile lunch attendance via unused badges. Collect the badges and trays after the lunch, take them home and refile badges in trays.
Est. 7-8 hours / month.
Facility Setup Assistant
Work with the Hilton, Activity Chairmen, and the Attendance Secretary to ensure that the appropriate signage is in place for our luncheons within the main room and in the lobby. Check that the Hilton has provided the appropriate number of tables in the needed positions. Collect signage at the end of lunch. Consult with the Attendance Secretary for any special needs. Est. 3-4 hours / month.
For more info contact:
Bill Peterson
To learn more about other open positions just click the underlined text links below:
updated 9/02/2019
Protect yourself and your computer from online thieves:
Here are two useful pieces of advice from the non-profit organization,
CLICK HERE for the Seniors Guide to Online Safety
CLICK HERE for Tips for Strong Secure Passwords
Bargain Bites – Activity

Bargain Biters enjoyed a feast at Burma Unique in Walnut Creek on Tuesday, July 30. A similar-sized group also enjoyed their meal on Monday 29th. There were enough sign-ups to require 2 nights with 20 members plus their ladies each night.
We were served a salad, 4 dinner dishes family-style, and a desert. My personal favorites were the mango chicken, the shrimp, and the pork curry. But I left enough room to taste 3 flavors of ice cream for dessert!
Bargain Bites leaders Ron Smith and Ron Maciak manage to find interesting (and unusual) places for us to dine. Several members said they would definitely go back there, and they would not have found this restaurant without our Sir activity.
The plate pictured above is made from bamboo and is hand-painted, elegant traditional Burmese art.
More images can be found by Clicking Here then scrolling down to the first slideshow.
SIR Luncheon Speaker
Bio for Prof. Alex Saragoza
September 2019
Born in Madera, California, Alex M. Saragoza spent much of his youth laboring side-by-side with his Mexican immigrant, farm-working parents. He has published widely on the interface between Mexico and the United States, including work on Mexican immigration.
Most recently, he is a coeditor of Mexico Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Republic, Volume 1 (2010) and the forthcoming book, “Recent Chicano Historiography: Advances, Shortcomings, and Challenges.”
Prof. Saragoza is currently a professor emeritus of history in the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is also an affiliate faculty in the American studies program. At the university, he has also served as the chair of the Center for Latin American Studies and of the Ethnic Studies Department, and as the faculty coordinator of the Chicano/Latino Studies program.
In 2012, he was a visiting professor at the University of Paris III (Sorbonne nouvelle), and he has lectured at various universities in the United States and Europe. Most recently, he received the 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award from the his university’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
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