Chairman: Nick Maufe
Asst. Chairman – Phil Trapp
The SIRs Book Group is a discussion group for SIRS members who are interested in increasing their reading enjoyment by selecting and reading a book a month and meeting to discuss them. For each book, one Group member presents additional research on the author and literary and academic criticisms. Discussions are invariably energetic and stimulating and frequently generate broader ideas that interest the group.
We meet monthly, alternating fiction and non-fiction books. Attendance is usually around 18 to 20 which works well for our venue in the back room at Round Table Pizza, 1938 Oak Park Blvd, Pleasant Hill on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
To get the year going the members submit their suggestions for books during October and Book Group members vote on 5/6 fiction and 5/6 non-fiction books for the year. The selection reflects the extremely varied interests within the group and exposes many of us to books we would never have otherwise read.
New for 2019. We will be rating the books we read and publishing the results here for members and others to see.
For 2020 we will be reading the following books:
The Book Group meets the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at Round Table Pizza at 1938 Oak Park Blvd, Pleasant Hill. Email me at if you are interested in joining us.
Nick Maufe, Chairman
Updated 12/29/2019 by DLS