Annual Tournaments

Our annual tournament is held around the end of October every year with competitions for low gross  for four man teams and low gross and low net for individuals.

Our 2019 tournament was held on November 6th at Diablo Hills Golf Course
Read the results for 2019 here:ANNUAL TOURNAMENT RESULTS 2019

Our 2018 tournament was held on October 24th at Diablo Hills Golf Course
Read the results for 2018 here:ANNUAL TOURNAMENT RESULTS 2018

Our 2017 tournament was held on October 25th at Diablo Hills Golf Course.
Read the results for 2017 here: ANNUAL TOURNAMENT RESULTS 2017

Our 2016 tournament was held on October 26th at Diablo Hills Golf Course.
Read the results for 2016 here: ANNUAL TOURNAMENTS RESULTS 2016

In 2015 this was held on October 28th at our usual venue, Diablo Hills Golf Course.
Read the results for 2015 here: ANNUAL_TOURNAMENT_RESULTS_2015


Last edit: October 25, 2018 by BarryB