Member’s pictures

The latest photo-gallery of Branch 8 members can be downloaded by left clicking here 

If your picture is missing from the gallery (you only see an icon), if you don’t like the image, or if your name is incorrect, please let Jock Mackaig , Larry McEwen or Bill Phelon know and they’ll arrange for another picture to be taken or your name edited.

Thanks to Jock Mackaig taking over from DeWayne Ruhe, editing the image files and creating the pdf. Thanks also to the camera toting Bill Phelon and other Digital Photo Group members who have photographed all our members so we could compile this gallery. 

updated: 11/20/2018  dls

SECURITY: An omnipresent risk is that personal data will be stolen from a website. In this case there is NO personal data other than your name and MD number in the Member’s Gallery! No email address, no phone, nothing! So I think this is as secure as it comes.

Adobe Reader includes a search capability so you can search by name or MD#s using Ctrl-F on a PC or Apple + F on Apple products,   or click the binocular icon if it’s visible. (Ctrl-Shift-F also works and, in my opinion, gives a better search option). You can download (or update) a copy of Reader free from: