Play Results

Play has resumed!!!!!!

October 19th, 2022

12 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf on a nice morning for golf.  The event of the day as established by Mike Furtado, this month’s Starter, was closest to the pin on the 7th hole after the second shot.  Stan Johnson won the event with a 17” shot.  Dick Hickson, making only his 4th appearance of the year, recorded the low score of the day with nice rounds of “41”.  The group recorded 13 pars and 3 birdies …. two by Dick and one by Ray de Wit.  Nice round Dick !!!

August 3rd, 2022

10 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf on beautiful morning for golf.  The event of the day as established by this months Starter Phil Philpot was fewest putts…no gimmies.  Dan Crowley won the event with a nice round of only 12 putts !!!  Ray de Wit back after a month’s lay off, recorded the low rounds of the day with a very nice score of “39”….way to go Ray !!!   The group recorded 10 pars and a birdie by Rich Knowles.

June 9th, 2021

13 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on a beautiful morning.   Today’s contest as set by starter Frank Kilarr was “closest to the pin on the 3rd hole”.  Stan Johnson won the event with a “not so close” shot of 36’ which he did two putt for his par.  Stan also went on to register the sole Birdie of the day on the 6th hole.  Mike Frey had the low round with “41”.  The group recorded 10 pars and the 1 birdie by Stan.

June 2nd, 2021

16 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on a breezy, brisk morning.   Today’s contest as set by starter Frank Kilarr was “closest to the pin on the 4th hole”.  Russ Anderson (guest from another SIR branch) won the event with a reasonably close shot of 17’ 1”.  Ray deWit had the low round with “42”, nudging out Frank Kilarr and Mike Frey who both carded “43”.  The group recorded 17 pars and 2 birdies (one each by John Hayes and Ray deWit).

May 26th, 2021

10 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course.   Today’s contest as set by starter Stan Johnson was “closest to the pin on the 4th hole”.  Rich Knowles won the event with a not so close shot of 25’ 4”; Rich did go on to par the hole.  Stan had the low round with “43”, nudging out Rich who shot a “45”.  Rich recorded the second lowest round of the day with a “45”.   The group recorded 12 pars and no birdies for the day.

May 19th, 2021

10 golfers teed off today starting at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course.  Today’s special news is we welcomed back Frank Kilarr after an extended lay off due to recuperation from knee surgery….of particular note…Frank scored a par on his first hole back !!!!  Today’s contest as set by starter Stan Johnson was “the lowest number of putts for the round”; no gimme putts allowed, each ball must reach the bottom of the cup.  Rich Knowles and Stan Johnson tied for the low number of putts for the round with “15”.  Rich also had the low round with “42”, matching his low score from last week….way to go Rich.  Stan Johnson recorded the second lowest round of the day with a “45”.   The group recorded 13 pars and Dan Crowley recorded the sole birdie of the day with a “2” on the 4th hole.

May 12th, 2021

10 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on gorgeous morning for golf.  Dan Crowley returned from his winter heinous in AZ and shot a very nice “43”.  Rich Knowles and Stan Johnson shot the low rounds of the day with scores of “42” …. edging out Dan’s “43” and Mike Frey’s “44”.  Rich won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Stan Johnson) which was “closest to the pin on the 7th Hole after the second shot”…Rich’s ball found the bottom of the cup…for a birdie.  Nice round Rich !!  The group recorded 16 pars and along with Rich Knowles, Phil Philpot also had a Birdie.

May 5th, 2021

9 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on beautiful, crystal clear, warm morning.  Fran Kilarr who is recuperating from knee replacement surgery walked with the first group through the 4th hole…welcome back Frank !!!  Ron Shahade registered the low score of the day with score of “40” edging out Mike Frey’s “43” and Rich Knowles’ “44”.  Ron won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Stan Johnson) which was “closest to the pin on the 3rd Hole”…Ron’s ball finished 22’, 7” from the hole…Ron finished the hole with a Par.  Nice round Ron !!  The group recorded 11 pars and the no Birdies.

Our Post pandemic group missing Sherman and Shahade who were too late for the photo.

The real reason we golf! Donuts

April 28th, 2021

Only 7 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on beautiful, crystal clear, warm morning; 6 SIR members and 1 guest.  Mike Frey registered the low score of the day with nice rounds of “40”.  Phil Philpot won the event of the day (as designated by the Stand-In Starter Mike Frey) which was “closest to the pin on the 4th Hole”…Phil’s ball finished 17’, 4 1/2” from the hole…Phil missed the Birdie putt but did finish with a Par….nice Phil !!  The group recorded 7 pars and Mike recorded the only Birdie of the day on the 3rd hole.

April 21st, 2021

12 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on another beautiful/brisk morning.  As was the case last week, by time the first group reached the 3rd tee box, the temperature had raised to the point that most golfers removed the top layer of clothing.  Mike Frey and Ron Shahade registered the low score of the day with nice rounds of “40”….edging out Rich Knowles who shot a “41”.   Mike won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Ray de Wit) which was “closest to the pin on the 3rd Hole after the second shot”…Mike’s ball finished 12” from the hole…just “inching” out Stan Johnson whose ball finished 17” from the cup.  The group recorded 19 pars and Ray DeWit recorded “TWO” birdies on 2nd and 4th holes…..way to go Ray !!!

April 14th, 2021

11 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on another beautiful/brisk morning.  By time the first group reached the 3rd tee box, the temperature had raised to the point that most golfers removed their top layer of clothing.  Stan Johnson registered the low score of the day with a nice round of “42”….edging out Rich Knowles who shot a “43”.   No one won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Ray de Wit) which was “closest to the pin on the 4th Hole as no golfer was able to have their ball come to rest on the green !!!  The group recorded 11 pars and Glenn Gilman recorded the lone birdie of the day on 3rd hole.

April 7th, 2021

10 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on another beautiful/brisk morning.  Ray de Wit registered the low score of the day with a bogey round of “43”.  Guest golfer George Vogt won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Ray de Wit) which was “closest to the hole after the second” on the 7th Hole with a 28” shot which he converted to a par.  The group recorded 10 pars and Roger Lockwara recorded the lone birdie of the day on 4th hole.arch 31st, 2021

March 31st

9 golfers teed off at 9:00 AM at Diablo Hills Golf Course on a beautiful/brisk morning.  Rich Knowles who shot the low round with a very nice “39” nudged out Ray de Wit who recorded a “40”.  Rich also won the event of the day (as designated by the Starter Mike Frey) which was “closest to the hole” on the 4th Hole with a 15’ shot which he converted to a par. The group recorded 12 pars and  no birdies.


Play has been put on hold for the balance of November due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Play results will resume once play has re-started. Until then, stay safe.


Frank Kilarr, Mario Moratorio, Dan Crowley, Rich Knowles


Mario and Jackie Kaneshiro

Ray Dewitt looking Dapper


Stan Johnson lining up a good shot.

Bob Sherman has to be very careful to avoid stepping on the “goose droppings” !!!


Earlier this year…

Tee Shot of the Year !!!

Bob Jones pulverizes the ball !!!

Rich Knowles, Ray de Wit, Phil Philpot, Glenn Gilmore and Bob Sherman waiting to tee off.

Bob Sherman assisting Phil Philpot with Tee Times

Glenn Gillman and Mike Anderson enjoying a pre-round doughnut.

Bill Barber, Dick Hixson, Bob Bogardus, Glenn Gilman,

Dan Crowley, Stan Hennessy, Paul Hersch, Mike Anderson


Update 6/13/2021 fpk