
Currently no Roster exists on the Branch 8 WEB site.

Roster – Printed Booklet
Currently, the booklet is created in December and distributed during the January and February lunches. If a member requires a replacement copy, then one will be available to him throughout the year. The Roster is provided to each new member as part of the New Member package.

WEB Site Possible Constructs

Phone Number List
A booklet that contained member’s name and phones was proposed. The BEC did not authorize its creation.

Print Booklet – Online copy
This concept has been neither discussed nor approved by the BEC. This concept requires some form of id/password authorization to view the booklet. 

Data Base Access
This concept has been neither discussed nor approved by the BEC. This concept provides direct access to a very specific subset of a member’s information that is included in the database. This concept requires some form of id/password authorization to view the member’s information.